The old lady was sitting on a bench at the park. She wore a
black gown . She looked as elegant as a queen in exile, suppressing the real
self and the real beauty. She wore the black gown as she felt safe and secure
from the world. She had long hair as white as snow which exhibited her shyness
to the world. Her eyes were as black as the night but her soul was an
affectionate one. She seemed baffled by the world and by her life . She
is going through its last stage and is confused with the world that
has given her a lifetime of experiences. It has moulded her soul. She knew that
her end was near and in a way she accepted everything that was to come . She
wanted to feel the essence of being
alive thus she opened her shoes perhaps for the last time and moved her toes through the soft grass to
feel the cool dew drops. She then tried to close her eyes and recollect and
feel the times when she used to be young, the time that ended so soon due to
her responsibilities in her life. She tried to recall her golden days, the time
that she shared with her father . Whenever, she closed her eyes she was to open
to her past, the past which made her who she was today. She would feel the
tropical sunlight above her head ,the continuous waves through her feet
and the hugs which connected her to others . She tried to feel the time when
she held her daughter for the first time and led her through life.
Suddenly, she struggled to get up
from the bench and started to move slowly through the group of children to reach the
swing nearby and slowly balanced herself on the swing somehow . Perhaps
to remember the time with her daughter that faded so quickly. To my
surprise, I saw her riding over the waves, not so fast but elegantly, her smile
seemed signature of her liveliness. For a while, this all freshened her up and tried to put an end to the day
long misery . All I could see was a small girl with her shining eyes in a state
of composure.
She had many wrinkles which showed the love and care she
had for her family and all the great problems she had passed over the years .And today, there
she is waiting for the end of physical existence but her soul is waiting to
experience new lessons of life . Her face portrayed a new hope and serenity, and so she sits
there smiling waiting for the new