Friday 21 November 2014

live life with the magic of happiness

live life with the magic of happiness

life is made up of innumerable moments .These moments may be a good time with your friends ,a good time with your family .but how do we experience this happiness?what do we want ?
it may may be toys for a kid ,money for a worker ,playing for a person and  sitting by his mother for a child ,but our main aim is to gather happiness,happiness from here ,happiness from there .but we think happiness comes from things or our actions but the real meaning of happiness is being contented from inner self,from inner heart and if that is true we shouldn't roam around in search of more and more of materialistic things.its like searching a key for a house when the key is with us.  a great person or human is that being who is satisfied with what he gets and not feel sad for the things not got .materialistic things never gives happiness ,these memories do not last forever but a day of charm and love is remembered till the end of our life. we tend to find reasons for happiness and could be sad and depressed  at any moment for any reason .some people are always sad ,wanting to gain more and more in their life but life is not for gaining  but giving and welcoming love and charm.we waste time only by thinking how to gain happiness when we can have a life full of magical charm  .today just go out ,view everything as if you have seen for the first time .  .

we do not realise what we have until we lose it . some people who are usually depressed do not respect the things  around or the people around.but today ask yourself ,do you love yourself from your heart .most of us would try not to like ourselves on the basis of  our appearance or the decisions  taken in the past .but we just need to forget forget everything and click the refresh button .half of the life we spend making mistakes and other half we waste by thing upon the wrong decisions taken in life. a person with negative approach can never be happy or achieve anything .there is nothing such thing as bad time  ,its our approach towards things .we need to cherish each and every moment in which we are living and stop living in the past as we  do not know what will happen next moment ,each day is a gift , we just need to be positive  and live a day as if its your last day to live .live to learn  everyday and not learn to live everyday .there is no rule to live a life ,the only rule is to be happy with the present ,forgetting the past and feeling that the future is getting to be more bright and will be filled with more love and charm"smile is type of  a magic ,it could change one persons day" .so try to to pass each moment with a big smile .

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